Sharing and Caring with Ilene Meckley

Pick up Ilene Meckley's book, Sharing and Caring.

I often hear this book brought up in my business. Particularly, Chapter 8.

I've read this book before. I just re-read Chapter 8. I wanted to share with you the important stuff.


What do you think about when you hear this word? Is is negative?

Let's review some common words that are negative and put them in a positive light.

Pushy - Encouraging

Nosy - Caring

Talking "at" people - Asking questions

Manipulative - Informative

Convincing - Inviting

Ambivalent - Undecided

Fear - Lacks confidence

Not now - In the future

Think about how saying these in a little different way can make such a huge difference.

The rest of the chapter goes through some possible objections you could hear when sharing your business opportunity and how Ilene responded to them.

Possible objections include I'm too busy, I could never sell anything, I just moved hear and I don't know anyone, I already work full time, I have a new baby, I'll be moving soon, The kids are just going back to school, I'll have to check with husband, There are too many people selling in my area, I have too many kids, I'm a single parent, I'm shy, I don't feel comfortable approaching people, My husband travels frequently because of his work, This is just not the right time, I'm just not interested.

Have you heard any of these before? I know I've had.

Ilene gives her successful responses. She was a top recruiter in her business, so she knows what she is talking about.

These responses have to be practiced. So when you hear the objections, you'll know right away how to respond naturally.

The main thing is to ask questions and be a good listener.

It is a helpful book for you to read in this business.

Sharing and Caring--The Key to Taking Your Business up, up, and Away!

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