Money Challenges
Are money challenges getting you down?
I just have to share some facts with you about owning your own business.
With L'BRI, you can sell online or have home parties, or BOTH!
Selling on-line takes time. You have to build your website or blog page by page. Then you have get traffic to come to your site. Some may try a sample and some won't. Like anything, it just takes time.
In the mean time, you can have some home parties. These can be really great because you are making money right away!

It will give you confidence in talking about the products and working with women.
It will make you eligible for the Quick Start bonus' that L'BRI offers.
Steps to take before you become official.
Before you start your business officially, I recommend building your own website or blog. The free website that you will get won't get traffic to it. The only people visiting there will be your customers that you send there.
This is true because there are many, many consultants with the exact same page. Search engines won't think favorably of these. So while your free website is essential for your business. I recommend having your own place to share information about the products and about the business opportunity.
Please, please, please... make a plan for yourself. I have come to realize that most people think small. Don't limit yourself. I suggest reading Think and Grow Rich
It will help you to dream BIG!
Sign up for my free 7 day business report to learn more about L'BRI.
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