Business Objections

Business Objections will happen to you and you need to know what to say.

(Bonus Shari training)

Recruiting: Approach and Follow Up

Start at the top – try to recruit

- book a show

- place an order

At parties, ask 3 people about joining your team.

Every time you hostess coach, mention the opportunity. Start planting seeds immediately.

Dealing with objections

They are having a concern or they want more info.

Use the feel, felt, found method.

I understand how you feel. I felt that too. I found if I gave up TV one night a week I had time to work my business. (If they say they are too busy)

I understand how you feel. I felt that way too. I found that this is the number one fear. Each time it got a little bit easier and it has really helped my confidence grow. (if they say they are too shy)

I understand how you feel. I felt that too. I found that you have to spend money to make money. You can earn the money back in a month. (if they say they can’t afford the kit)

Keep asking people to join you.

Keep practicing handling objections.

Don’t get discouraged by No.

Click here to return from business objections to call 5.

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