Ann Sieg
Ann Sieg
Have you heard of her?
Actually a couple of years ago, I came across her. I was feeling frustrated about my L'BRI business. I was doing what I was told. I did have trouble with my shyness. I felt like I was working hard with no results.
I downloaded Ann's free report, The 7 Great Lies of Network Marketing. It was like she was talking to me.
Click here to go to the free report.
Here are Ann Sieg's 7 Great Lies.
#1 - Everyone is your prospect.
I always was trying to find a way to sneak into the conversation about my business. People I work with, my family, whoever I was around. It made me uneasy. Everyone is NOT your prospect.
This business is not for everyone.
#2 - This really isn't sales, we just share products with people.
C'mon. Everything we do everyday is involved with sales. Whatever you have in your house, you bought from someone who sold it to you. You have to sell kids about why they should do chores or do their homework. Babies sell too. They cry when they need something, and we "buy" into that. We pick them up and take care of their needs.
This business is sales.
#3 - Anyone can do this!
This is a good theory, but in reality, everyone cannot do this. Some people are perfectly fine with working a 9-5 job. Some are happy working at Wendy's. Nothing in life is going to be for everyone. We all have different backgrounds and different abilities. If you choose you want to do this, then Yes! you can.
This business is NOT for everyone.
#4 - We'll build your business for you.
I've haven't actually heard anyone say. They do however say things like, you are building a business for yourself, but not by yourself. They will be there for guidance and help. I have people who have given up on me faster than I ever thought. If I wasn't doing this or that quick enough, I was a bother to them.
You need to build your own business, but find resources to help you. I don't give up on people who want to succeed. I know that people work at different paces, and that's okay by me.
#5 - We have the best product ever!
I have heard this over and over again. Sometimes it is true. I do really believe in my company or else I wouldn't have joined. It doesn't matter how great your products are, it matters how you market them. How do you communicate to others about what you have to offer? This makes all the difference.
It's not about the best products. It's all about the marketing.
#6 - You just don't have enough belief!
They really push about dreaming big and goals. I think this is important because it's really made me think bigger and realize what I really want. However, we talk so much about this that I don't get other things done. I need the "how to" and less of the dreams. I don't want to hear, "well how big is your why's?"
I think many people believe, but they need more of the "how to".
#7 - The proven system
Companies have one way really to make their business work. Did you know that 97% of network marketers never make a profit? That's astounding.
That means that the proven system is only working for 3%. As I mentioned earlier, everyone is different. Everyone learns differently and works differently. So this means, there has to be other systems for different learners.
Those are Ann Sieg's 7 Lies.
Will her way work for you? I don't know. She has much success and many have followed her system with success. It is worth a try.
If you're feeling frustrated as I am, then give it a try.
I will check back with you and let you know how it's going for me. Don't forget to download Ann Sieg's
free report.

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