L-BRI University
L-BRI University!
Discover what's new with L'BRI.
The materials in L’BRI University have been prepared to provide you with knowledge and information that will enhance your capability to educate customers about the benefits of our products and appropriately recommend products for individual customer’s skincare needs.

You have the opportunity to achieve a diploma and certification from L-BRI University as a Cosmetic Skincare Specialist by completing all of the modules within a 60 day period and successfully completing all the quizzes or you can use the course modules as a knowledge resource.
Courses of Study
Courses of Study for L'BRI University
We recommend that you begin with Skincare 101 and take the modules in order (1, 2, 3 & 4).
Advanced Skincare, modules 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Body Care modules 1, 2, 3 & 4.
Product Modules – Can be taken at any time it is not required that you take them in order, however you must complete all 28 Product Modules.
Each module is followed by a quiz. All the questions are True/False – click the checkbox if your answer is “True”; do not click the checkbox if your answer is “False”.
You must achieve a score of 70% on each quiz to gain credit for the module.
If you score less than 70% on a quiz, there is an opportunity for you to retake it!
Graduation from L'BRI University

Once you have taken all 41 modules and passed the associated quizzes, you will have completed the requirements to graduate from L'BRI University and receive your diploma!
Congratulations! You will receive a framed diploma and custom L’BRI Certified Skincare Specialist name tag.
Your achievement will be published in the next issue of WINGS, the L'BRI's monthly newsletter.
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